Aston Martin Owners Club - South Australia

Report of run to and lunch at Tenafeate Winery October 2022

On a wintry morning in late October (the 23rd), some 17 members of the AMOC met at the Crafers Primary School carpark for the start of the monthly run & lunch event. Area Rep Terry Jones advised the group that he had driven the route the previous weekend and the weather had been glorious and the drive was lovely but what a difference a week can make! No-one was able to educate Terry why the rain did not clear the mist/fog as it fell but it didn’t and so we had rain and mist/fog to drive through.

Because of the weather, many members brought ‘improper cars’ and we were put to shame by our Victorian visitors, Browyn, her father and Richard who drove their 1974 AMV8. None felt the embarrassment more keenly than Terry who’s AMV8 was rugged up in his dry garage. Terry claims to have developed a very sensitive hearing ability whereby he can actually ‘hear’ the rust developing in the many box sections that never received rust protection at the factory in his earlier Astons, including in his Lagonda that has taken many months to cut all of it out.

Four ‘proper’ and 2 ‘improper’ cars at Crafers in the ,mist and rain
Area Rep Terry Jones explaining the run to members sheltering under the Crafers Primary verandah









Terry gave out the run sheets and advised of the route including that he wasn’t 100 percent certain of the mileages as when he did the run last week, he got lost on no less than 3 occasions and had to retrace his steps, reset the odometer and start again. He cautioned drivers about the slippery roads but advised the inclement weather might at least keep the cyclists off the roads.

We got under way at 10.30am and headed through Piccadilly then onto Greenhill Rd and into Uraidla. A left turn took us then northward into Lenswood and then onto Cudlee Creek. We drove alongside several reservoirs that looked very full including the Warren Reservoir that Terry thought might have been the first time the Club had used this lovely stretch of road, These were a real picture when the sun was shining a few days ago but today they weren’t as appealing. Unfortunately many members missed the turnoff to the Para Wirra Rd but they made it to the winery via Gawler, while those who found the turn correctly (pretty much exactly the mileage indicated on the run sheet), found a lovely 20km of undulating roads with straight stretches that ended in right-angled bends with an advisory speed of 25kph!

Unfortunately, the winery carpark is not sealed and it was pretty boggy but we did our best to keep our feet dry and we were welcomed by the friendly staff who directed us to our table. Four members had decided to miss the run but they met us at the winery and in the end we had a long table for 21 members & guests. It was a bit noisy as there was quite a crowd there but we were able to chat, have a glass of wine (Terry liked the Durif) and enjoy our (pizza) lunch.


Rhonda, Marty and Angie at the other end of the long table
One end of the long table at Tenafeate Winery with Terry, Megan, Chris Andrew and Brenda engaged in conversation

Terry showed some members (who had not had the opportunity earlier) the award of merit for his services as Area Rep that he was presented with at the Stately Affair and all were impressed, and several remarked that it was well earned. Terry didnt give a speech as the area was very communal which was disappointing as he wanted to especially thank our Victorian colleagues for attending and remind members that next Sunday (the 30th) is the closing date for nominations for Area Rep. He was also expecting to answer questions about the election process that 2 members had already enquired about, though Terry had already addressed these via email and he will still be available via this medium to answer further questions..

We had to leave by 2pm (the restaurant has a ‘2 sitting’ policy) though we had finished eating and so it wasn’t too early and we wended our way home, again in the rain. Terry has said to many that Adelaidians should never complain about rain BUT…….

Our next meeting is on November 20th – more details shortly and then on December 11th we shall have the final Club event for 2022, the AGM/Xmas event, when the results of the Area Rep election will be announced.

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