Aston Martin Owners Club - South Australia

Report on November 22nd run to Woodstock Winery

After over-exerting themselves for the October long-weekend, the weather gods certainly have been AWOL over the last few weeks. Our October event was held in wintry weather conditions and it came to be that our November event suffered the same fate. With just 10 days to go before summer officially starts, the weather has been unseasonally blustery and wet.

At 10am, nine brave members met at Hazelwood Park for our planned 10.30am start and at least the rain held off for the start of the run. Area Rep Terry Jones advised that when he did the practice run 2 weeks earlier, the weather had been perfect but he cautioned members that today we should be careful of debris on the road, especially Pottery Rd. He handed out run sheets and advised members of the run details including a hold-up on Strathalbyn Rd just before Mylor. Shortly after commencing the run, Assistant Area Rep Terry Holt telephoned with advice that he just finished the Bentley Drivers Club run and they had been badly affected by tress/branches that had fallen on the roads. He advised they moved one tree but the next one was too big and so they had to detour to their breakfast destination.

With this in mind and the very wet conditions that we experienced soon after entering the Adelaide Hills, progress was slower than usual. After turning left onto Greenhill Rd, we ascended the Hills and made our way through Uraidla and onto Carey Gully where we turned south on Rangeview Rd and thence to Bridgewater. From there we made our way to Strathalbyn Rd and as noted earlier, we struck roadworks in Mylor. We were not delayed for too long and we then headed toward Echunga and Meadows via Battunga Rd. The rain increased in intensity by this time and it was looking like mid-winter. Our run was interrupted by a road closure on Brookman Rd which was likely due to fallen trees and so we made a detour that was a more direct route to our destination, Woodstock winery where we arrived with time to spare

We parked in the ‘ordinary’ car park (our usual parking spot was too boggy) but there was concern about falling branches from the gum trees that provide welcome shade in the hot South Australian summer. There was no need for shade on this day!

The rain stopped and we went inside and found our long table on the mezzanine floor. By now our numbers had swelled to 20 as several members who could not make the run due to morning commitments arrived.

Members at the long table on the Mazzenine floor at Woodstock
Members enjoying the food, wine and conversation at Woodstock









Member, Martin Farkas could neither join the run nor stay for lunch but he braved the rain and winds specifically to ask questions of Area Rep Terry Jones about the organisation of the Club and of the election process. Terry had already advised Martin that he could email the information/questions but Martin was insistent, advising (among other things) that the Club was an incorporated one and that this had implications for the upcoming AGM. Terry thought this unlikely but he undertook to investigate and respond to Martin who left shortly thereafter. The conversation, that also involved Richard Dyson Harvey and other members, was at times, quite heated, and members at the long table noticed, even though the conversation was held some distance away.

Our food started being served and we were finally able to leave the politics behind and get on with eating, drinking and enjoying each others company.

In a short speech, Terry thanked members for turning out on such a dismal day (there had only been one cancellation and that was due to COVID) and reminded everyone of the voting period that will start on December 1st and close on the 8th and the result will be announced at the AGM that will held in 3 weeks time. Despite the service being a bit slow, no-one complained too loudly and we finally left at about 3.30pm. The drive home was less rain-affected but the forecast for the next few days is for more ‘sky juice’ – we dont need it but unfortunately, we cannot wish it away.

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