Aston Martin Owners Club - South Australia

October 24th 2021 run & lunch report

On Sunday October 24th, 28 members and friends of the South Australian Area of the AMOC met at the Bridgewater Inn for the regular monthly run & lunch. The weather was fair with just a few drops of rain in the morning but periods of lovely sunshine increasing as the afternoon progressed. Several members took the opportunity to grab a coffee and/or toilet break from the Inn while others chatted and admired the assembled 14 cars.

Tom’s lovely Superlegera and other members Aston Martins at Bridgewater Inn
Ken’s gorgeous, fully restored DB4 and other members’ Aston Martins at Bridgewater Inn









The former Area Rep, Chris had organised the run with ‘ a twist’ – namely that he had chosen two runs – one shorter and the other longer so that those members who wanted to ‘stretch the legs’ of their cars, as well as those who were happy to ‘cruise’ along were both catered for.

At approximately 10.30, Area Rep, Terry Jones called the members to order and invited Chris to tell us about the run. In addition to the shorter and longer routes, Chris also advised there was a particularly nasty cross road where visibility was very restricted. Chris had arranged for Terry to act as ‘traffic cop’ at this intersection to ensure members did not come to grief. Chris also advised of a potential speed camera that he had noticed the previous week (well done Chris!).

Members set off with odometers zeroed for the 120km (long) vs 80km (short) run, at first through the twisty Adelaide Hills that later became flatter and straighter as we approached Mannum, our destination spot located on the majestic River Murray.

We had reserved car parking at the Pretoria Hotel, on the riverbank that was more than adequate for our needs and from where there were lovely views over the river with a few speedboats towing skiers, a large houseboat and a few pelicans sunning themselves.

Our dining venue was on the outside balcony that overlooked the river and it was separated from other diners by heavy plastic curtains that did a good job of sound deadening and keeping the heat (from the overhead gas heaters) in. After scanning-in with the obligatory QR codes, we ordered drinks and our meals and Area Rep Terry welcomed all, including new members Garry and Cici who had only recently joined the Club and were on their first run. He also bid a very warm welcome to long-time family member, Christiana, who had not been on a run with us for some months.

Looking over an Aston Martin toward the majestic River Murray. Note the pelican sunning himself/herself
Demonstration DBX from Solitaire Motors and other members Aston Martins at Mannum









Next Terry thanked Chris for organising the run & lunch and the group warmly applauded his efforts that all considered excellent. Finally, Terry presented the winners of the competition for the best celebration of the Times ad from 1946 with their prizes. The competition had been designed to celebrate the 75 anniversary of the advertisement that had appeared on October 1st, 1946. Members had been asked to take a photograph and provide some background to their entries and Terry advised he was not able to decide a single winner and so he decided to make two presentations. The first prize went to members Sally and Neville who had obtained a copy of the advertisement and photographed themselves holding this across the bonnet of their Aston Martin Vantage. Sally and Neville received a framed copy of the very page in the October 1st 1946 edition of the Times that held the advertisement. The second prize went to Andrew and Brenda who enlisted their grandson in a vain search for the ‘DB’ in their Aston Martin Vantage. Andrew received a numbered bottle of limited edition Chardonnay made for the late Sir Stirling Moss by McLaren Vale winemaker, Tony Parkinson. Both winners thanked Terry for their prizes and Terry thanked them for their ingenuity and for entering into the spirit of the occasion.


Terry presenting prize to Sally for her winning entry in the 75th anniversary of ‘that ad’ competetion
Terry presenting winning prize to Andrew for his entry into 75th anniversary of ‘that ad’









Terry then advised members that he had created an entry into the competition but as adjudicator, his entry was not eligible for a prize. He advised the entry was a poem and that he had never written a poem before and probably never would again. The members were happy to let him read this and they generously applauded at the end. Terry advised members that the poem and other entries would be posted onto our webpage in the next few days as well as submitted to the UK for potential publishing in the AM Quarterly magazine.


Members then enjoyed their meals and conversation. Terry advised the next run that was only 3 weeks hence, on November 14th. He also advised he was awaiting information from Solitaire Motors about a possible celebration of the latest James Bond movie, No Time To Die.

At about 4pm, members dispersed after another very successful meeting.


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